Copyrights World Toroblock Protected Security Badges
Warning:Toroblocks-protected badges serve as a form of copyright protection for our organizations, assets, content, images, videos, logos, and any other website asset associated with Anonymous Crime Reporting Inc. Any person, persons, or organization having an unauthorized copy or use of our website content and website assets may be subject to violations that may result in a lawsuit for infringement, intellectual property asset theft, copyright protection violations and any other punishable crime associated with the robbery, duplication, and unauthorized use of the intellectual property displayed on our website(s) and related social media platforms. Additionally, our website is backed up daily and can retrieve original website posts before any edits or updates. Do not attempt to copy and claim credit for another person’s hard-earned work. Please note many of our copyright badges are not displayed online but recorded and stored at the time of creation. The use of our website and content creations was granted to us by Mihaela Dorca, the copyright and creator owner. Last edited 7-31-2023 Mihaela Dorca.