Protect Illegal Immigrants From Drug And Human Trafficking Cartels
Millions of migrants enter the USA annually, illegally crossing the US- Mexico border. Hundreds of thousands are vulnerable to extortion, violence, rape, drug smuggling, and murders at the hands of the criminal cartels. The cartels forcefully use illegal immigrants to act as mules to smuggle drugs, while others are physically abused, robbed, and brutalized by the cartels.
Migrants Often Come into Direct Contact with Various Types of Dangerous Cartels.
The various cartels which United States illegal immigrants come in direct contact with and their territory are:
- The Gulf Cartel – Territory: The northeast, centered on the border state of Tamaulipas.
- Sinaloa Cartel – Territory: Much of the northwest.
- The Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) – Territory: The west, mainly the Tierra Caliente region.
- Los Zetas Cartel – Territory: The northeast.

Illegal immigrants experience ill-treatment, such as abuse and harassment by society and the government. This inhumane treatment gives them low self-esteem as they experience separation from white Americans in society. They are viewed as less-than-human as they’ve become deprived of their human rights. This stigma causes illegal immigrants to be named “foreigners” or “outsiders” and considered criminals.
My parents left one of the world’s most beautiful countries behind to provide a safer environment to raise their family. I was once an immigrant, having only a green card and social security number in the United States. I had often experienced stares from my parents’ peers when they struggled with their broken English. My name gives a clear giveaway that I’m not originally from America.
One of the first questions people ask me is, “where are you from?” They are not referring to the fifty US states. This question has usually made me feel unwelcome and unequally treated in a professional setting. My parents didn’t lack opportunities in Romania; they lacked safety. Nonetheless, the feeling I often received in the US was often unwelcoming. Even though I legally arrived in the US by plane with my parents, I often felt that my US citizenship was welcomed by many as unwanted here for a lengthy part of my life.

We should associate the question of safety when we hear the words “foreigners,” “aliens,” or “illegal immigrants.” Assuming illegal immigrants are pouring into another country to deprive another country of their economic health or to commit crimes intentionally, is a shallow way of thinking and lacks logic.
What if there’s a humanitarian cause behind an immigrant’s purpose in staying out of their own home country? I’m certain if many would spend time and study illegal immigrants’ purpose for fleeing, the general perspective of illegal immigrants would change.
Migrants Can Help Solve Many Crimes.
The increased number of illegal immigrants makes them more vulnerable to being raped, abused, and brutalized. A survey about illegal immigrants’ perception of police shows that 70 percent of illegal immigrants are less likely to report being abused to law enforcement. Imagine if seventy out of a hundred illegal immigrants do not report criminals if they are victims because they fear sharing information about their immigration status.
It would be difficult for law enforcement to solve so many unreported crimes. A lack of incentive could deprive illegal immigrants from reporting high-profile criminals. Suppose an unlawful immigrant was offered an immediate short-term workers permit in a foreign country in exchange for sharing vital information concerning drug and human trafficking cartels. The benefit of taking down a dangerous cartel organization outweighs the cost of a worker permit.
Even so, there’s no humanitarian behavior in deporting an illegal immigrant immediately after they report a crime. It’s no wonder illegal immigrants feel emotionally deprived of resources and safety when the fear of the police silences them. Offering an incentive like immunity in exchange for information about the cartel and a temporary worker’s permit could solve many other issues. Law enforcement would be creating an identifiable way to locate an illegal immigrant. Economic benefits would also increase when illegal immigrants can work for hire using the minimum wage standards and pay local government taxes instead of working for cash.
Suppose many illegal immigrants have fled their home country for the matter of safety. How much safer are they when they have been forbidden the right to work and preyed upon by dangerous organized crime groups? When illegal immigrants struggle to find work, they become easy targets for the drug and human trafficking cartels. Offering a short-term green card for, say, six months, with the option to renew if an individual meets the criteria of compliance, could become a future illegal immigration solution, given the right amount of thought and planning for this type of program were passed.
How Can Migrants And Refugees Report Crimes Without Fearing Deportation?
Privately owned anonymous crime reporting programs help illegal immigrants report crimes. Any unlawful immigrants can report crimes safely with the help of anonymous crime reporting programs owned by private companies. Various anonymous crime reporting programs keep your identity undisclosed to the public or law enforcement unless you give your permission or consent. It makes it easier and safer for illegal immigrants to report criminals without law enforcement finding out about their immigration status. These programs help you report crimes safely, as your identity is promised anonymity.
How Can Migrants And Refugees All Around the World Report Crimes Anonymously Without Fearing Deportation?
Reporting a crime without revealing your identity can be quickly accomplished with our resources. Illegal immigrants can now report crimes safely without the fear of being detained or deported by the police. With this, the public and law enforcement won’t find out about your immigration status, and the law will seek to punish the criminals.
Report Crimes in Your School, Church, Workplace, or Neighborhood Anonymously.
You can make a difference by reporting suspicious criminal activity to your local authority. Suppose you are afraid of the police or law enforcement and don’t want to report a crime directly to your local police authority. In that case, you can choose to report suspicious criminal activity safely by using any of our domestic or international privately owned anonymous crime reporting resources below.
Reporting anonymous crimes often leads to a more honest report of the crime from people living with capiophobia because they are not interacting directly with law enforcement, the trigger of the phobia itself.
Duffin, E., 2022. Statista. “Illegal immigration in the United States – Statistics & Facts.” https://www.statista.com/topics/3454/illegal-immigration-in-the-united-states/#topicHeader__wrapper
Robbin, D., 2017. “When Undocumented Immigrants Don’t Report Crimes, We All Suffer.”
Theodore, N., 2013. Department of Urban Planning and Policy: University of Illinois at Chicago. “Insecure Communities: Latino Perceptions of Police Involvement in Immigration Enforcement.” https://www.policylink.org/sites/default/files/INSECURE_COMMUNITIES_REPORT_FINAL.PDF
Burnett, J., 2011. NPR. “Migrants Say They’re Unwilling Mules for Cartels.” https://www.npr.org/2011/12/04/143025654/migrants-say-theyre-unwilling-mules-for-cartels/
ACLU, 2022. Human Rights: “Human Rights and Immigration.” https://www.aclu.org/issues/human-rights/human-rights-and-immigration/
Morey BN. Mechanisms by Which Anti-Immigrant Stigma Exacerbates Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities. Am J Public Health. 2018 Apr;108(4):460-463. DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2017.304266. Epub 2018 Feb 22. PMID: 29470116; PMCID: PMC5846442.