Hating The President Can Lead To Hate Crimes; Rethink The Words You Speak

Learning to accept and respect the President you didn’t vote for shows humility. It’s never easy when your candidate doesn’t win. It’s usually hurting because you believed that was the right person to lead the nation.
However, the votes have said otherwise. The right thing to do would be to accept the majority consensus of the country and treat the President as the nation’s leader. Doing otherwise is rather terrible and negatively prideful.
Retaliation towards the President or President-elect demonstrates a derogatory attitude from a person who does not respect the outcomes of the presidential election. People who reject the decision of Americans to accept the new President displays poor manners. Such a person claims to be wiser than the whole nation, which is a proud claim. Accepting and respecting the President is a sign of national allegiance and shows great humility on the part of a person. Anything that negates that acceptance doesn’t show humility on the part of whoever is involved.