Church Leaders Can Help Their Community Address The Growing Fear Of The Police.
A growing concern for the safety of our communities has stirred the hearts of church leaders everywhere. Good shepherds, church pastors, and church leaders should address the issue of their member’s safety as it relates to the rapid spread of capiophobia. Capiophobia is the fear of the police, which creates cities with higher crime rates. The spike in city crime rates is relative to the resistance the capiophobe has in communicating with law enforcement when needed.
In 2017, a gunman tragically claimed 26 lives at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs in Texas. Although church gun violence has not often occurred, certain gratuitous evil crimes have occurred on church grounds, including shootings, placing church members in danger, and even causing harm and death. With that said, from a risk management perspective addressing the fear of the police with your community can assist church members with the communication barrier capiophobes experience with law enforcement.
Our capiophobia awareness and prevention program aims to educate the public about the fear of the police and promote a higher willingness to report potential threats or crimes accordingly. By educating church members about capiophobia, church members become aware of the phobia. A deeper understanding of the phobia can break the capiophobia sufferer’s resistance to reporting a crime or knowledge of a threat when needed.
Where Do You Start?
Great question. It can seem overwhelming to educate your community about a phobia essential in controlling and promoting public safety. Our organization has various free resources to help you easily share capiophobia education and awareness with your community. During your service, you can gather your church members for a special assembly and address capiophobia.
We offer valuable resources to structure your capiophobia education strategy. Please look into our “Capiophobia Awareness and Prevention Program” below.
Additionally, you may contact us at, and we can assist you with this task virtually or in person, pending in-person availability. In addition to the resources below, our YouTube Channel has a variety of videos you may wish to incorporate when you share capiophobia awareness and education with your church, staff, and community members.
Report Crimes In Your School, Church, Workplace, or Neighborhood Anonymously.
You can make a difference by reporting suspicious criminal activity to your local authority. Suppose you are afraid of the police or law enforcement and don’t want to report a crime directly to your local police authority. In that case, you can report suspicious criminal activity safely using any of our domestic or international privately owned anonymous crime reporting resources below.
Reporting anonymous crimes often leads to a more honest report of the crime from people living with capiophobia because they are not interacting directly with law enforcement, the trigger of the phobia itself.